wireless technology

Neuralink, CAN-PRIME Study Neuralink Launches Brain Chip Trials in Canada for Paralysis

Neuralink has taken an important step in advancing its innovative brain-computer interface (BCI) technology by…

SARA-R10001DE - u-blox u-blox Introduces SARA-R10001DE with Embedded Conexa eSIM and Multi-IMSI Technology for LTE IoT Connectivity

u-blox introduced the SARA-R10001DE module on November 19, 2024 in Thalwil, Switzerland. This LTE Cat 1bis module is…

DigiKey and Schneider Electric to Host Webinar on Wireless Pushbutton Technology in Manufacturing DigiKey and Schneider Electric to Host Webinar on Wireless Pushbutton Technology in Manufacturing

DigiKey, a leading global commerce distributor offering the largest selection of technical components and automation…

30+ Arduino Project Ideas 30+ Arduino Project Ideas for Beginners with Code and Circuit Diagram

If you're just starting out with Arduino, you might be wondering what projects you can take on to practice your skills…

Wireless Audio Technology Nordic-powered Module enables Low-latency Audio over BLE

Virscient, a New Zealand-based company, has introduced a cutting-edge wireless audio…

Wi-Fi 7 chip connection Anritsu and MediaTek Collaborate to verify Wi-Fi 7 Chip Connection

Anritsu Corporation and MediaTek Incorporated have successfully tested the performance and…

Simple Wireless Power Transmission Circuit to glow an LED Simple Wireless Power Transmission Circuit to Glow an LED

The Wireless Electricity Transfer concept is not new. It was first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in the year 1890. Nikola Tesla…

How to Make a Mini Tesla Coil 9v How to Make a Mini Tesla Coil with 9v Battery

Be it an ordinary high school project or a mind-blowing arcing project, a Tesla Coil is always fun to build and will definitely…

Wireless DC Motor Speed Control using IR Remote and 555 Timer IC Wireless DC Motor Speed Control using IR Remote and 555 Timer IC

In this project, we are going to Control the Speed of Dc Motor Wirelessly Using IR or TV Remote Control. Here we are not going…

Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO using Android App over Bluetooth Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO using Android App over Bluetooth

Raspberry Pi is very popular for IoT projects because of its seamless ability of wireless communication over internet.…