Digital Electronics

One-Gate Logic with Single Power Supply One-Gate Logic with Single Power Supply Supporting Low Voltage Operation

Toshiba announced the release of the new 31 single power supply one-gate logic device series ‘7UL1G’ and ‘7UL1T’.  Both…

Missing Pulse Detector Circuit Missing Pulse Detector Circuit

When a signal goes through a sudden change from base value to higher value and again comes to base value from higher value…

Synchronous Counter Synchronous Counter What is a Counter?

A counter is a device which can count any particular event on the basis of how many times the particular…

Asynchronous Counter Asynchronous Counter What is a Counter?

A counter is a device which can count any particular event on the basis of how many times the particular…

Binary Decoder Circuit Binary Decoders

Decoder is type of combinational Circuit which decodes a small bit value into large bit value. It is normally used in…

Binary Encoder Circuit Binary Encoders

Encoders, as the name suggest, encodes a larger bit of information into a smaller bit value. There are many types of…

Shift Registers Different Types of Shift Registers and its Applications with Examples What is Shift Register:

Shift Registers are sequential logic circuits, capable of storage and transfer of data. They are made…